Legal Information

Legal conditions for access and use

Who we are

Iberdrola, S.A. (hereinafter "Iberdrola”) is headquartered in Bilbao (Bizkaia), Plaza Euskadi, nº 5. For more information you can call us at 944151411 or contact us through the following e-mail address

Iberdrola, S.A. is registered in the Companies Registry of Bizkaia in volume 17 of the Companies Book, folio 114, page 901 (currently BI-167-A), entry number 1, with Tax ID no. A-48010615.

It is also included on the List of Natural Gas Retailers drawn up by the National Markets and Competition Commission established in section 80.2 of Law 34/1998, 7 October, on the Hydrocarbon Industry.

Codes of conduct

Iberdrola is a member of Autocontrol (Association for Self-regulation of Commercial Communication) and has adopted the Advertising Code of Conduct and the Code of Ethics for E-commerce and Interactive Advertising approved by that Association, which are available on its website External link, opens in new window..

Moreover, Iberdrola and its employees are subject to the internal Corporate Governance and Code of Professional Conduct rules, which are available to USERS together with the information relating to compliance thereof on the website


Iberdrola provides access to the website subject to the Terms of Use described below:

Access and USERS

Those who access the website become USERS, who fully and unreservedly accept each Term of Use listed herein, without prejudice to the specific conditions that may need to be applied if a USER wishes to sign up for any of the services on offer on the website.

The Portal service is offered free of charge. However, Iberdrola reserves the right to condition access to some services on prior USER registration through completion of a User Registration Form, which is available to anyone who wishes to become as a REGISTERED USER.

When a USER is required to sign up as a REGISTERED USER or to provide personal details to be able to access any of the specific services, the provisions set forth in the chapter on Safety and Protection of Personal Data shall apply to the collection and processing of such personal details.


To improve the features offered on the website, Iberdrola reserves the right to modify, expand or temporarily discontinue the display, configuration, technical specifications, content and services on the website, at any time, unilaterally and without prior notice.

It also reserves the right to amend at any time these Terms of Use, as well as any other specific conditions contained on the website


At Iberdrola one of our prime objectives is to ensure that everyone, regardless of disabilities, age or the type of technology used, is able to access our corporate website without problems.

Based on this commitment, the Iberdrola website has been designed in compliance with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 established by the W3C (World Wide Web Consortium).


Iberdrola guarantees that all the content and services offered on respect the principle of human dignity, the principle of non-discrimination on grounds of race, sex, religion, opinion, nationality, disability or any other personal and social circumstance, as well as the principle of youth and child protection.

Terms of Use

The USER undertakes to make proper use of the content and services on, which may never be used for illicit activities or actions which may be contrary to public order, national defence or public health. Any use by the USER of the content and services must respect the principles listed in the preceding paragraph.

The USER is expressly authorised to display all the information contained on the website, as well as to make private reproductions of such information on the USER's computer systems, provided that such content is for the USER's exclusive use and is not transferred subsequently to third parties.

Intellectual and industrial property

The intellectual and industrial property rights to the content of the website, their graphic design and computer codes, as well as the trade names, trademarks and distinctive signs that appear therein, are owned by Iberdrola, unless otherwise stated.

Any reproduction, distribution, commercialisation or transformation of the content which has not been expressly authorised by its owner constitutes an infringement of the intellectual and industrial property rights protected by Law.

Iberdrola may bring any administrative, civil or criminal proceedings in the event of infringement of these rights by the USER.

Exclusion of guarantees and responsibility

Access to and use of the website will be under the USER's exclusive responsibility.

Iberdrola takes no responsibility for the accuracy, veracity and validity of any information not prepared by the Company and whose content belongs to third-party information sources unrelated to the Company. In this regard, Iberdrola shall only be liable for its own services and the content directly originated by it and identified by its Copyright as a trademark or intellectual or industrial property of Iberdrola.

Iberdrola neither guarantees nor assumes responsibility for damages of any kind arising from the following circumstances:

1. Lack of continuity in the operation of, or malfunctioning of the website.

2. Lack of usefulness, appropriateness or validity of the services and content offered on in relation to the USER's results and expectations.

3. Existence of viruses or programmes on the USER's computer or presence of viruses in the services provided by third parties through

4. Knowledge by unauthorised third parties of the type, conditions, characteristics and circumstances of the USER's access to and use of the website and the information and services.

5. Under no circumstances, including negligence, for loss of business, loss of use, loss of profits or loss of data, or for indirect, secondary, special or consequential damages resulting from access to or use of the services offered on the website, or otherwise included within its scope.

Use of cookies

The website uses proprietary and third-party cookies to facilitate website browsing and secure greater effectiveness and personalisation of the services offered to USERS. For further information on use, please check the paragraph on the iberdrola cookies policy External link, opens in new window..

Translation into English

All the information and documentation available in the English version of this website is provided for information purposes only. In the event of discrepancy between the content of the English and original Spanish versions, the latter shall take precedence.

Jurisdiction and applicable law 

These Conditions of Use shall be governed by Spanish legislation.

In the event of any discrepancy or conflict in connection with the interpretation or application of these Conditions of Use or the website's content, in general, Iberdrola and the USER expressly waive any other venue and submit to the jurisdiction of the courts of justice of the USER's place of residence. In the case of USERS resident outside of Spain, Iberdrola and the USER expressly waive any other venue and submit to the jurisdiction of the courts of justice of the city of Bilbao.

  Privacy Policy

An error occurred while processing the template.
The following has evaluated to null or missing:
==> request.getHeader("User-Agent")  [in template "20102#20129#424176" at line 23, column 26]

Tip: If the failing expression is known to legally refer to something that's sometimes null or missing, either specify a default value like myOptionalVar!myDefault, or use <#if myOptionalVar??>when-present<#else>when-missing</#if>. (These only cover the last step of the expression; to cover the whole expression, use parenthesis: (!myDefault, (

FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related):
	- Failed at: #assign getHeader = request.getHeader...  [in template "20102#20129#424176" at line 23, column 5]
4    <style> 
6        .menu3-vertical.parent-selected,.menu4-vertical.parent-selected { 
7            display: block !important; 
9        #decMenuVertical a.rotated { 
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13            transform: rotate(-180deg); 
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17            div#decMenuVertical { 
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23    <#assign getHeader = request.getHeader("User-Agent")?lower_case /> 
24    <#assign isMobile= getHeader?contains("mobile") /> 
25    <#assign isIpad = getHeader?contains("ipad") /> 
28    <#if !isMobile> 
29    <div id="decMenuVertical"> 
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36                    nav_item_layout = nav_item.getLayout() 
37                /> 
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81                            <img alt="ventana nueva" class="ven-new" src="/o/iberdrola-corporativo-theme/images/comunes/ventana_nueva.png"> 
82                            <span class="sr-only txt-aa">External link, opens in new window.</span> 
83                        </#if> 
85                        </span></a> 
86                    <#if nav_item.hasChildren()> 
87                        <a href="javascript:void(0)" class="tiene-hijos3 ${girado}"></a> 
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93                                    nav_child_css_class2 = "" 
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136                                            <img alt="ventana nueva" class="ven-new" src="/o/iberdrola-corporativo-theme/images/comunes/ventana_nueva.png"> 
137                                            <span class="sr-only txt-aa">External link, opens in new window.</span> 
138                                        </#if> 
139                                    </span></a> 
140                                                <#if nav_child.hasChildren()> 
141                                                    <a href="javascript:void(0)" class="tiene-hijos4 ${girado}"></a> 
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163                                                                            <img alt="ventana nueva" class="ven-new" src="/o/iberdrola-corporativo-theme/images/comunes/ventana_nueva.png"> 
164                                                                            <span class="sr-only txt-aa">External link, opens in new window.</span> 
165                                                                        </#if> 
166                                                                </span></a> 
167                                                            </li> 
168                                                        </#list> 
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170                                                </#if> 
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173                        </ul> 
174                    </#if> 
175                </li> 
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177        </ul> 
178    </nav> 
179    </div> 
181    </#if>