Training and talent development

We are committed to a model of learning that combines experience, relationships and training

A key factor for performance at work, adapting to change and professional development.


Training for the engineering team of the Wikinger project. Video voice transcription [PDF].

Iberdrola has a solid training model that reaches all professionals who are part of the company. This firm commitment has resulted in more than 2 million hours of employee training in 2021.

We bet on training

Faith in training is a key part of the human resources policy at Iberdrola. It is an essential element for:

  • Professional growth for job performance.
  • Keep Iberdrola's employees updated regarding the last technological and organisational changes.
  • Adaptation of new employees to the company.
  • Better professional development, which promote their professional growth inside the company.

A 70/20/10 model of learning 

At the Iberdrola Group, we want all employees to feel motivated and supported to develop the knowledge, skills, and behaviours that will allow them to adequately perform their current job or a future position. For this reason, in 2016 we created a new Corporate Innovation and Training Campus in Madrid, where nearly 13,000 people are trained each year.

We also look after the dissemination of the company's existing knowledge, continuous learning, and cultural exchange, in order to enhance operational efficiency through the proper use of intellectual capital, as outlined in the Knowledge Management Policy.

The Iberdrola group wants all its employees to feel encouraged and supported so that they can develop their knowledge, skills and behaviours in a way that will enable them to perform their current duties properly or to take on a new professional endeavour in the future. For this reason, in 2016 we created a new Corporate Innovation and Training Campus in Madrid, where around 13,000 people are trained every year.

Also, in 2018, we went live with our global learning and development portal. This is called Learning Meeting Point (LMP) and gives our employees direct access to the full gamut of virtual training and development tools. Additionally, we have carried out a design and unification process with our labour climate surveys for all group companies in order to share results, draw up action plans and adopt better practices worldwide.

During the year 2021, the Roadmap for the implementation of the Strategic Learning Framework was defined, with the main objective of connecting the training offer with the strategy and doing so in a collaborative way with all the companies of the group.

Developing talent with a global perspective.

See more information

See more information

Digital mentoring

Iberdrola's Digital Mentoring programme is aimed at Iberdrola employees, with the objective of contributing to the process of digital transformation in the company, as well as the creation of opportunities to transmit knowledge and experiences and foster an environment of teamwork.

Possible areas of work for the mentor/mentee have been defined around the following areas: Digital working, new technologies, information management, work methodologies, and organisational and cultural change. 

Leadership school 

Iberdrola's Leadership School offers various management development programmes in Spain, the US, the UK, Brazil, Mexico and the rest of the world.

More information

The 'Energising Leadership Programme' turned 10 years old in 2018. Currently the 12th Edition of the programme is being conducted. Video voice transcription (Spanish version) [PDF]

MBA in the global energy industry programme

Currently the 6th Edition of the programme is being conducted.

Graduation ceremony at the Comillas Pontifical University (Madrid, Spain). Video in Spanish.

 Iberdrola University Program

Sharing values and knowledge

In recent years, Iberdrola has directed its training strategy towards digital transformation and closer ties with the educational community.

Through the development of virtual environments, it has managed to improve the experience of employees and shorten the learning period. 

Iberdrola has created the Iberdrola Digital Community, where it shares various virtual facilities with educational centres that bring young people closer to the energy sector and the world of work.

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4    <style> 
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